63rd Annual Corn and Bratwurst Festival Heidi Alten 2024-08-03 05:00:00Z 0 bratwurst,charity,corn,family

19th Annual Rotary Scholarship Golf Outing

19th Annual Rotary Scholarship Golf Outing


Thursday May 23, 2024

This is an 18 hole Golf Outing or you can attend as a Dinner Only guest for this Fundraising Event.

We are looking to partner with local businesses to assure that we can achieve our 2024 Scholarship fundraising goal of $25,000

The money raised from this event allows us to give Scholarships to students at Big Foot, Faith Christian and Williams Bay High Schools.


19th Annual Rotary Scholarship Golf Outing Heidi Alten 2024-05-23 05:00:00Z 0 lake geneva,newspaper,regional news,reporter
Fontana Triathlon Heidi Alten 2023-09-16 05:00:00Z 0 rotary
NEWS AND EVENTS! Don Vandello 2022-04-20 05:00:00Z 0

Paying Rotary Bills Online

Pay your Bill online with Credit Card
Have your latest Statement handy.
Login to walworthfontanarotary.org (Login in name should be your email, enter your password)
     If you have forgotten your password contact Don Vandello (dhvandello@charter.net) to have it reset.
Clic on the "Member Area" at the upper right corner
Select "My Account Balance"
    Note: Your account balance will be zero, since we don't use Clubrunner's accounting system.
Enter the amount you wish to pay from your Statement.
Enter Credit Card information (#, Exp. Date, CCV)
You must enter something in the "comment section"  i.e Pay statement balance (date?)
You will receive an email confirmation, don't pay any attention to the negative balance which comes up after payment, we will adjust that.
Paying Rotary Bills Online Don Vandello 2020-12-30 06:00:00Z 0

Locating documents on the Website

Steps for locating Club Documents (Financial Reports, Budgets, Forms, etc.)
Login to walworthfontanarotary.org (Login in name should be your email, enter your password)
     If you have forgotten your password contact Don Vandello (dhvandello@charter.net) to have it reset.
Clic on the "Member Area" at the upper right corner
Scroll down to "Organization" and Clic on "Documents"
Select the document you wish to review.
Locating documents on the Website Don Vandello 2020-12-30 06:00:00Z 0

World Polio Day

Rotary is very close to completing a project begun in 1988 – the eradication of Polio worldwide.  There are only three countries left that are not yet polio free.  In support of World Polio Day, the Walworth Fontana Rotary Foundation (Geneva Lake West Rotary Club) is requesting your financial help in achieving this goal.  The Gates Foundation is matching donations 2 to 1, so every dollar is magnified.
Rotarian, Don Vandello, is heading this drive.  “ We originally intended to create a fundraising event to highlight this cause, but Covid-19 has interfered with any social gathering, so we are trying to go virtual with this request.  Both I and my wife are polio survivors from ages 9mos, and two years old.  We truly understand what this disease can do, are proud to be a part of an organization like Rotary, with the global reach to defeat polio once and for all.  I am asking all of my fellow Rotarians, friends, and family, to spread the word.  We will post this on our Website and on Facebook. If we can all share these posts on our social media, it would be a  great help.”
Donations can be made to:
Walworth Fontana Rotary Foundation
PO Box 368
Walworth, WI. 53184
Or on our website www.walworthfontanarotary.org, use the “Donate” button at the top of the home page.
Thanks in advance for your help.
World Polio Day Don Vandello 2020-10-18 05:00:00Z 0

Freedom for Girls 2020

Freedom for Girls 2020 
You may or may not be aware of the Freedom for Girls program that is hosted by Pat and Steve Werner.  Steve is a long time Rotarian and he and his wife have been fundraising for this program for years.
I have attached the letter that they send out every year and also a link to their Facebook page where you can find more information about this important cause.
The Geneva Lake West Rotary Club makes an annual donation to this program but you can make your own donations to this organization, if you would like.  Donate HERE (send us an email that it is to be allocated to FFG)
We just wanted to share the information and let you know what other Rotarians are passionate about.
Thank you,
Heidi L. Alten, ​Secretary
Freedom for Girls 2020 Heidi Alten 2020-09-30 05:00:00Z 0

Past Speakers

Speaker 9/10/2020 at Big Foot Inn (Pam Carper)
      Boys and Girls Club
Speaker 9/24/2020 at The Abbey (Kim Bushey)
      County Clerk (election update)
Past Speakers Don Vandello 2020-09-30 05:00:00Z 0
Corn and Bratwurst Experience Boxes! Heidi Alten 2020-08-15 05:00:00Z 0 charity,family,fundraising,rotary